But wait, I omitted the most difficult step and it comes before editing and after it too! This most important and daunting step is choosing which photographs to enter into a contest. I always choose several of my favorites, and then eliminate most of them in a slow painful process. The pain comes when I discover that a photo that I though was special doesn’t make the grade. I remember how difficult it was to get to the location or how many times I went back to get the light just right. It could be any of a long list of reasons why I worked hard to get shot and then it doesn’t meet my expectations. It is frustrating. If I took extreme measures to get the shot, then it should be a good one, right? Not necessarily! So I have to omit some right away. Then there are others that look good, but after editing, they just don’t make the cut. Sometimes I print a photo before I realize that it just isn’t as good as I had hoped. Finally I have the photos I want to enter. It could be one photo or up to eight based on contest guidelines and the photos I have captured.
I recently entered the Rockingham County Fine Arts Festival in my county. I entered 2 in the category called “computer art”. I entered two in the “black & white” category and 4 “color” photographs. The results were surprising. My photographs that I expected to be rated well were not the ones that received recognition. This was not the first time this has happened. It is not a reflection of the judge’s qualifications. He is an expert photographer with excellent credentials. Apparently, I just can’t be objective when judging my photographs. In the past, friends have voiced similar reactions so I am no alone in this quandary. Having said all that, I decided to let you voice you opinion on which you would choose.

Which would you choose, White Oak Sinks or Beauty Lies Within?

I received an honorable mention in Computer Art, first place in Black & White Photography and second place in Color Photography. Which would choose?
Updated answer:
I received an honorable mention for "Beauty Lies Within" in the Computer Arts category. I earned first place in Black and White Photography for "Password Protected". I took second place in Color Photography for "Knock". These are the results of my efforts in the 2014 Rockingham County Fine Arts Festival. I had expected White Oak Sinks, Yin Yang and Night Life Under the Pier to be my highest rated photos.