It is amazing that the time of day I make a photograph has so much impact on the resulting images. We all know that nighttime and daytime photographs are different. But the time of day also has great impact. Everything else being equal, an early morning and a midday photograph of the same subject will be very different. I captured these photos in very early morning just before sunrise. The only “Sun” you will see is in the sunflower blooms.
These two photos are simply two crops of the same shot. I had difficulty deciding which one best displayed the detail in the back of the bloom. Does the closer crop, revealing only the green, best tell the backstory? Or does the crop showing a small part of the yellow petals tell the whole story better leaving no doubt about the kind of flower depicted? Whichever your choice, the lack of sun allows the fine details to be clearly revealed. |
All the following blooms look like they were removed from their environment. There are no clouds or blue sky to be seen. They seem to be isolated from their surroundings. The illusion isn’t a Photoshop trick. The sky appears to be missing because the sun isn’t up yet and the sky is overcast. My friend photographed the same sunflower field later in the day. She had a lovely shot of a bloom with a blue sky and a fluffy cloud in the background. Time of day and weather conditions make a huge difference.
My next entry will be about “stars”.
I am on a quest to capture the sun, moon and stars!
As always, I invite your comments and questions.
Cheryl Garrity